Reconnect with Your Natural Rhythm: The Beauty of Being Active in Nature.

Morning walk in the bush


" Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” -Albert Einstein


Let's talk about something that's in our very nature - MOVING! Our bodies are designed to be active, and boy, does it come with a host of incredible benefits. So, how about we step out, feel the breeze on our skin, and embrace the wonders of being active, especially in the great outdoors?


You know, in this fast-paced modern world, we're all guilty of indulging a bit too much in delicious treats that tend to stick around as unhealthy fat. And guess what? That's one of the major causes of those pesky urban life diseases - diabetes, high blood pressure, and that feeling of constant lethargy. But don't worry, we've got the solution!

Moving our bodies not only helps us burn up those sneaky calories but also does wonders for our minds. It's like a toxin-flushing cleanse for both body AND soul! Feeling mentally foggy? Struggling to think straight? Making not-so-healthy choices? Oh, we've all been there. But fret not, because getting active can help clear out those pesky toxins clogging up your thought system!

Picture this - a refreshing stroll among lush trees, a thrilling hike up a scenic trail, or even a playful jog on a sandy beach. Nature has this magical way of rejuvenating our minds and bringing clarity to our thoughts. It's like a mental reset button!

Now, you might wonder, "But what about urban living? The concrete jungle makes it tough to exercise!" Oh, you're absolutely right! That's why we need to take inspiration from the great thinker, Jean-Jacques Rousseau. He spoke about the downsides of urban living, how it fuels competition and social comparisons. Let's break free from that cycle and rediscover the beauty of nature!

Make a pledge to yourself - a daily rendezvous with movement. Walk, hike, or jog your way through nature's embrace. Not only will you feel energised, but you'll also let go of those toxic thoughts that weigh you down. Nature's bounty is waiting for you!

So, my friends, let's step out and embrace the wonders of being active in nature. It's time to reconnect with our natural rhythm and live life to the fullest. Let's move, let's explore, and let's conquer each day with a fresh and clear mind!

Get out there, and let's make the most of this exhilarating journey together!

Keep moving, keep thriving!

After reading this far, perhaps you are not convinced to get off the screen.

No worries, we've got your back! Let's sprinkle some excitement into your exercise routine and make it a breeze. Here are some super doable and friendly tips to get you up and active: 

1.Buddy Up: Grab a friend, family member, or even your furry pal for some exercise fun! Having a workout buddy adds that extra dose of enthusiasm and makes it all the more enjoyable.

2.Nature's Playground: Step outside and explore the beauty of nature! Take a leisurely walk in the park, hike a nearby trail, or simply breathe in the fresh air. Mother Nature has the best workout spots!

3.Jam to Your Beat: Create a playlist of your favourite tunes that pump you up. Music has a magical way of boosting motivation and making exercise feel like a dance party!

4. Mini Victories Matter: Start small and celebrate those tiny victories! Whether it's taking the stairs instead of the elevator or a short stroll after dinner, every step counts.

5. Variety Is the Spice: Spice up your exercise routine by trying different activities. From dancing to biking, there's a whole world of fun workouts waiting for you to explore!

6. Set Realistic Goals: Be kind to yourself and set achievable goals. Rome wasn't built in a day, right? Taking small steps will lead to big results over time.

7. Reward Yourself: Treat yourself to a little something after a successful workout session. It could be your favourite healthy snack or a guilt-free TV show binge!

8. Take It Easy: Remember, exercise isn't about pushing yourself to the limit. Listen to your body, and take breaks when needed. It's all about feeling good!

9. Track Your Progress: Keep a journal or use an app to track your activity. Seeing your progress over time will motivate you to keep going.

10. Celebrate the Journey: Embrace the joy of moving! Find pleasure in every moment, and before you know it, exercise will become a part of your daily routine.

Just take that first step, and you'll be on your way to a happier, healthier you.

With cheers and encouragement,

Engin Yenidogan


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